GoGro CIC had the incredible opportunity to work with volunteers from Octopus Energy and we had a great day where we created over 100 meals for the community!
This was a true example of positive relationships helping to deliver great outcomes - Bridge Central in Sincil Bank, Lincoln were very kind and donated their kitchen and facilities to us, Lincoln's Community Grocery Store generously donated parsnips, curry paste and loads of tofu and Octopus Energy staff donated their time, humour, positivity, work ethic and humility, organised and facilitated by GoGro CIC!
We made 50 portions of spiced parsnip soup and 50 portions of green chilli and tofu curry which we delivered to the Lincoln Community Grocery Store where we packaged and their lovely staff labelled (bearing in mind Natasha's Law). The grocery store then made these meals available to their customers in a great example of us facilitating a circular economy for the good of the community!
To find out more about Octopus Energy click hereĀ https://octopus.energy
To find out more about the Community Grocery Store click hereĀ https://communitygrocery.org.uk/lincoln/